100+ Funny Corn Jokes That Will Pop You Up

Welcome to the kernel of laughter! Corn, a staple in many cuisines and cultures around the world, is not only a delicious and versatile ingredient but also a great source of amusement.

In this lighthearted collection, we’ve gathered an ear-resistible assortment of corn jokes that are guaranteed to tickle your funny bone.

From puns to one-liners, get ready to crack a smile as we delve into a-maize-ing and corny humor that will leave you popping with laughter. So, grab your favorite cob and get ready to embark on a journey filled with laughter and corny goodness!

Funny Corn Jokes Ideas

1. Why did the corn go to the doctor?

Because it had an ear ache!

2. What do you call a dancing corn?


3. How does corn stay in shape?

It does kernel exercises!

4. What did the baby corn say to the mama corn?

“Where’s popcorn?”

5. What do you call a corn that joins the army?


6. Why was the corn afraid of the dark?

It was scared of the corn cob!

Read More: Best Hawaiian jokes to make you laugh

7. What do you call a corn that tells jokes?

A popping-corn!

8. What’s a corn’s favorite type of music?


9. Why did the corn file a police report?

Because it was a victim of corn-napping!

10. How do you know when a corn is mad?

It turns into a popping-corn!

11. What did the corn say to the butter?

“Don’t spread rumors about me!”

12. Why did the corn stay home from school?

It felt corn-fused!

13. What did the corn say to the butter who kept telling lies?

“You’re really starting to spread it!”

14. Why did the corn break up with the potato?

It felt too mashed together!

15. What do you call a group of musical corn?

A corn-phony!

16. Why did the corn go to the party?

Because it was a-maize-ing!

17. How do you fix a broken corn cob?

With a cob-tractor!

18. What’s a corn’s favorite movie genre?

A-maize-ing adventures!

19. Why did the corn refuse to gossip?

It didn’t want to be stalked!

20. What’s a corn’s favorite game?

Stalk and field!

21. Why did the corn go to college?

To get a high-ear education!

22. What’s a corn’s favorite TV show?

“The Stalk-ing Dead”!

23. How does corn greet its friends?

“A-maize-ing to see you!”

24. What did the corn say when it got complimented?

“Aww, shucks!”

25. Why did the corn go to space?

To find the Milky Way!

26. How does corn navigate through traffic?

It uses the corn-er lane!

27. What do you call a corn that likes to argue?

A popping-corn!

28. What do you call a smart piece of corn?

A kernel of wisdom!

29. Why did the corn refuse to become a lawyer?

It didn’t want to be grilled!

30. What’s a corn’s favorite holiday?


31. What’s a corn’s favorite exercise?


32. Why did the corn lose the race?

It kept getting corn-ered!

33. How does corn respond to compliments?

It blushes and turns into popcorn!

34. What’s a corn’s favorite dessert?

Cornbread pudding!

35. Why did the corn break up with the tomato?

It couldn’t ketchup with it!

36. What do you call a corn that loves to travel?

A globetrotter!

37. How does corn apologize?

It says, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be a-maize-ing!”

38. Why did the corn go to the beach?

To get a sun-kissed complexion!

39. What did the corn say to the farmer?

“Stop stalking me!”

40. How does corn get in shape?

It does kernel-etics!

41. What do you call a fancy corn?

A corn-tillionaire!

42. Why did the corn refuse to play hide and seek?

It said, “I’m too a-maize-ing to hide!”

43. What do you call a nervous piece of corn?

A jittery kernel!

44. How does corn make friends?

It becomes the ear-resistible friend!

45. Why did the corn refuse to go to the party?

It didn’t want to be stalked by paparazzi!

46. What’s a corn’s favorite subject in school?

Pop culture!

47. Why did the corn refuse to tell secrets?

It didn’t want to be stalked!

48. How does corn drive?

It takes the corn-er smoothly!

49. What’s a corn’s favorite board game?


50. Why did the corn refuse to become a detective?

It didn’t want to be corn-fused with clues!

51. What did the corn say when it won an award?

“I’m just a-maize-ing!”

52. How does corn send messages?

It uses the corn-ventional method!

53. What’s a corn’s favorite game show?

“Wheel of Tortillas”!

54. Why did the corn go to the gym?

To get its daily kernel of exercise!

55. What do you call a romantic piece of corn?

A husky sweetheart!

56. What’s a corn’s favorite social media platform?


57. Why did the corn refuse to take up boxing?

It didn’t want to be popped!

58. How does corn keep track of time?

It uses a kernel clock!

59. What did the corn say to the peas?

“Stop following me, you’re giving me the creeps!”

60. What’s a corn’s favorite sport?


61. Why did the corn refuse to become an actor?

It didn’t want to be kernel-y famous!

62. How does corn make decisions?

It kernels the pros and cons!

63. What do you call a corn that’s always late?

A procrastin-corn!

64. Why did the corn refuse to join the circus?

It didn’t want to be stalked by the audience!

65. How does corn relax?

It takes a corn-y nap!

66. What did the corn say to the peas during the race?

“I’m ear today, gone tomorrow!”

67. Why did the corn refuse to become a chef?

It didn’t want to be grilled all the time!

68. How does corn solve problems?

It uses its corn-puter!

69. What do you call a grumpy piece of corn?

A sour kernel!

70. Why did the corn refuse to play hide and seek with the carrot?

It didn’t want to be found in a veggie-tative state!

71. What’s a corn’s favorite type of literature?

Stalk tales!

72. Why did the corn refuse to become a scientist?

It didn’t want to be stalked by experiments!

73. How does corn express love?

It says, “You’re a-maize-ing just the way you are!”

74. What do you call a polite piece of corn?

A-maize-ingly courteous!

75. Why did the corn refuse to become a comedian?

It didn’t want to be popped on stage!

76. How does corn take photos?

It uses the corn-era!

77. What’s a corn’s favorite cartoon?

Maize Runner!

78. Why did the corn refuse to play soccer?

It didn’t want to be kernel-ed by the ball!

79. What did the corn say to the carrot on Halloween?

“Trick or corn!”

80. How does corn study for exams?

It kernels down and focuses!

81. What do you call a corn with a great sense of humor?

A-maize-ing comedian!

82. Why did the corn refuse to become a painter?

It didn’t want to be stalked by critics!

83. What’s a corn’s favorite candy?

Kernel kisses!

84. Why did the corn refuse to become a singer?

It was too corny for the stage!

85. How does corn make a fashion statement?

It wears husky attire!

86. What do you call a lazy piece of corn?

A couch potato!

87. Why did the corn refuse to become an astronaut?

It didn’t want to be stuck in a space-cob!

88. What’s a corn’s favorite genre of music?

Popcorn tunes!

89. Why did the corn refuse to become a police officer?

It didn’t want to be stalked by criminals!

90. How does corn play hide and seek?

It hides among the stalks!

91. What do you call a group of philosophical corn?

The Kernel of Wisdom Club!

92. Why did the corn refuse to become a fireman?

It didn’t want to be popped in a fire!

93. What’s a corn’s favorite game to play at the beach?

Kernel in the sand!

94. Why did the corn refuse to become a librarian?

It didn’t want to be stalked by books!

95. How does corn make a grand entrance?

It pops into the room!

96. What do you call a well-dressed piece of corn?

A-maize-ing fashionista!

97. Why did the corn refuse to become a musician?

It didn’t want to be husked by critics!

98. What’s a corn’s favorite book?

The Stalk of Monte Cristo!

99. Why did the corn refuse to become a pilot?

It didn’t want to be popped by turbulence!

100. How does corn cheer for its favorite team?

It shouts, “Go, corn, go!”

Laughitloud Team

We are a squad of professional joke testers, caffeine enthusiasts, and naptime champions. Armed with puns and a questionable sense of humor, we're on a mission to make the world laugh one snort at a time. Warning: May cause uncontrollable laughter and occasional bouts of smiling in public spaces."

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